Friday, October 22, 2010

New Years Resolutions in October

Morning all...or should I say almost goodnight? I'm at the tail end of my nightshift and had a few thoughts I'd like to share as the night winds down. I do my best thinking about my writing when I'm driving on the road. Which probably makes me one of the world's worst drivers, since my mind is on my characters, story developement ideas, promo/website ideas...etc...

So, tonight on my drive to work, I thought about all the things that I wanted to accomplish in the next year with my writing and my personal life along with the myriad of steps I needed to take in order to accomplish my goals to get everything done. Then I realized that I was already making a New Year's Resolution type list. Definitely something I usually try to avoid, because in my mind, resolutions made just because a new year rolls around almost always fall to the bottom of the to do list.

So...How am I going to accomplish my writing goals and keep my personal life in order while at the same time, avoid the pitfalls of making a New Year's Resolution?
I have no clue!!! But I'm sure as I tackle my list, I will find a way. If you have any suggestions for me, make sure you let me know!!

My first step, is to put the list into being. So, here it goes....

First, professional writing goals!!!!

+Complete 2 full manuscripts and start a third
+Redesign my website
+Learn to use Twitter
+Complete Nanowrimo (This will definitely help with #1)
+Blog more
+Make weekly critique group meetings (although this one is very challenging because I work nights and the meetings are usually at night)

That's a great start to that list. I will add more as ideas come to me! Now, for that personal list!!

+Spend more time with my children
+Planning spectacular trip with my children next summer!! Three weeks of sunshine, fun in the sun, and my 4 beautiful children!! I can't wait!
+Spend meaningful time with those that I love.
+Cherish every day that I'm healthy and alive.
+Make yearly doctor check-up. This is especially important because my mother died of breast cancer, and I had a medical scare last summer which turned out minor thank goodness--but no more 7 years between gyno checks! :(
+Complete mammogram. Which, I have to confess, I should've had done a couple of months ago, but just haven't had the time, and honestly, I don't see myself getting there before January! My schedule is just too jammed packed!
+Get my large rear end to the gym at least 3 days a week! This, I've been sorely missing the last couple of months and my expanding waistline shows!
+Eat healthier. Along with the gym, I haven't been very good at keeping the sugar out of my diet (damn Halloween candy jumped into my shopping cart the other day)!!

Whew! I'm sure there's more to add to that list, but again, that's a great start. I'm feel motivated already....well, after I get a few hours sleep, that is!

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